I Had A Better Sign But The Astros Stole It

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Former Astros Pitcher Says Team Electronically Stole Signs in 2017 ...

I Had a Better Sign but the Astros Stole It

My mind tried to process what my eyes were seeing. I blinked a couple of times and looked back. There was no mistaking it. It was my sign, the one I had been working on for weeks, the one that I had proudly displayed at every Astros game I had attended this season. And now, it was gone. I couldn’t believe it. I had been robbed. In that moment, I was overwhelmed with anger, disbelief, and disappointment. I had invested so much time and effort into making that sign, and now it was gone. I felt like a part of me had been stolen.

The sign was more than just a piece of cardboard with some words on it. It was a symbol of my love for the Astros and my passion for the game of baseball. I had put my heart and soul into making it, and it meant the world to me. Now, it was gone, and I didn’t know what to do.

The Search for the Missing Sign

I immediately started searching for my sign. I looked all over the stadium, but it was nowhere to be found. I asked the ushers if they had seen it, but they said no. I even checked the lost and found, but it wasn’t there. I was starting to lose hope.

Just when I was about to give up, I saw something out of the corner of my eye. It was my sign, but it was different. The words had been changed. Instead of saying “Go Astros!” it now said “Beat the Astros!” I couldn’t believe it. Someone had stolen my sign and defaced it.

I was so angry and upset that I could barely speak. I confronted the person who had stolen my sign and told him how I felt, in no uncertain terms. He apologized and said that he didn’t mean to hurt my feelings. He said that he was just trying to be funny.

I didn’t find it funny at all. I told him that my sign was important to me and that he had no right to take it and deface it. He apologized again and said that he would replace it.

I was still angry, but I agreed to let him replace my sign. He went to his car and came back with a new sign that said “Go Astros!” I was relieved to have my sign back, but I was still upset that someone had stolen it in the first place.

The Importance of Signs

Signs are an important part of the baseball experience. They allow fans to express their support for their team and to show their creativity. They can also be used to make a statement or to send a message.

My sign was a way for me to show my love for the Astros. It was also a way for me to connect with other Astros fans. I’m glad that I was able to get my sign back, but I’m still disappointed that someone stole it in the first place.

Tips for Protecting Your Sign

Here are a few tips to help you protect your sign from being stolen:

  • Write your name and contact information on the back of your sign. This will make it easier to identify your sign if it is stolen and recovered.
  • Take a picture of your sign before you go to the game. This will provide you with evidence if your sign is stolen.
  • Be aware of your surroundings. Pay attention to who is around you and be careful about leaving your sign unattended.
  • Don’t leave your sign in the same place all game long. Move your sign around to different sections of the stadium throughout the game. This will make it more difficult for someone to steal your sign.


Q: What should I do if my sign is stolen?

A: If your sign is stolen, you should immediately report it to the stadium security. You should also take a picture of the stolen sign and file a police report.

Q: Can I get my stolen sign back?

A: It is possible to get your stolen sign back, but it is not guaranteed. If your sign is found, the stadium security will contact you.

Q: What can I do to prevent my sign from being stolen?

A: There are several things you can do to prevent your sign from being stolen:

  • Write your name and contact information on the back of your sign
  • Take a picture of your sign before you go to the game
  • Be aware of your surroundings and be careful about leaving your sign unattended
  • Don’t leave your sign in the same place all game long


Signs are an important part of the baseball experience. They allow fans to express their support for their team and to show their creativity. However, signs can also be stolen. If your sign is stolen, you should immediately report it to the stadium security. You should also take a picture of the stolen sign and file a police report.

Question: Are you interested in the topic of stolen signs in baseball?

astros sign - Imgflip
Image: imgflip.com

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