Can You Buy A Gun With A Pending Felony

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People with felony convictions - pending felony convictions should not ...

Can You Buy a Gun With a Pending Felony?

In the aftermath of a tragic shooting, questions arise about the legal intricacies surrounding gun ownership and pending criminal charges. Could an individual facing a felony charge legally purchase a firearm? This perplexing issue requires careful exploration of the law and its implications.

The prospect of acquiring a gun during a pending felony trial evokes grave concerns. The severity of a felony charge casts a shadow over an individual’s eligibility for gun ownership.

Felony Charges and Gun Ownership

In accordance with federal law, individuals convicted of a felony are prohibited from possessing firearms. This prohibition extends to both purchasing and owning guns. The rationale behind this restriction lies in preventing convicted felons from accessing weapons that could pose a threat to public safety.

The legal ramifications of a pending felony charge differ from those of a felony conviction. A pending charge signifies an accusation rather than a final judgment. During this interim period, the accused retains certain rights, including the presumption of innocence until proven guilty.

Impact of a Pending Felony

The existence of a pending felony charge does not automatically disqualify an individual from purchasing a firearm. However, it triggers a heightened level of scrutiny during the background check process conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

During the background check, the FBI will assess the nature of the felony charge, the circumstances surrounding the arrest, and the individual’s criminal history. If the FBI deems the pending charge to be a disqualifying factor, the gun purchase will be denied. This decision is final and cannot be appealed.

Recent Trends and Developments

The issue of gun ownership during pending felony charges has garnered significant attention in recent years. Gun control advocates argue that even individuals accused of serious crimes should be barred from purchasing firearms to safeguard public safety.

On the other hand, proponents of gun rights contend that denying firearms to individuals awaiting trial infringes on their constitutional rights. They argue that the presumption of innocence should prevail until a guilty verdict is rendered.

Tips for Understanding Your Rights

If you are facing a pending felony charge and wish to purchase a gun, it is crucial to consult with an experienced attorney. A qualified legal professional can provide guidance on your specific situation and help you navigate the complex legal landscape.

In addition, consider seeking support from organizations dedicated to advocating for the rights of individuals facing criminal charges. These organizations can provide valuable resources and information to assist you throughout this challenging time.


Q: Can I legally own a gun if I have been charged with a felony?

A: No. According to federal law, individuals convicted of a felony are prohibited from possessing firearms.

Q: What happens if I am denied a gun purchase due to a pending felony charge?

A: The decision is final and cannot be appealed.

Q: Can I appeal the FBI’s decision to deny my gun purchase?

A: No. The FBI’s decision is final and cannot be appealed.


The intersection of pending felony charges and gun ownership presents a multifaceted legal dilemma. While the presumption of innocence applies until a guilty verdict is reached, individuals facing felony charges may encounter restrictions on their ability to purchase firearms.

If you are interested in purchasing a gun while facing a pending felony charge, seeking legal advice and understanding your rights is paramount. By navigating this complex issue with the support of qualified professionals, you can make informed decisions and protect your interests.

How Long Can a Felony Charge be Pending in Florida? - Clark Hartpence Law

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