The Modifier Public Is Not Valid For This Item

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The Modifier “public” is Not Valid for This Item

I was recently working on a project where I needed to use a public modifier on an item. However, I kept getting an error message saying that the “public” modifier was not valid for that item. I was confused because I had used the “public” modifier on items before. After some research, I found out that there are certain rules about when you can and cannot use the “public” modifier.

In general, you can only use the “public” modifier on items that are declared within a class. This means that you cannot use the “public” modifier on items that are declared outside of a class, such as global variables.

What is a Class?

A class is a blueprint for creating objects. It defines the attributes and methods that all objects of that class will have. When you create an object, you are essentially creating an instance of a class.

Classes are declared using the “class” keyword, followed by the name of the class. Inside the class, you can declare variables, methods, and constructors. Variables are used to store data, methods are used to perform actions, and constructors are used to initialize objects.

When to Use the “public” Modifier

You should use the “public” modifier on items that you want to be accessible from outside of the class. This means that you can access public items from other classes, from within the same package, or from anywhere within the application.

For example, if you have a class called “Car”, you might want to make the “make” and “model” variables public. This would allow you to access these variables from other classes, such as a “Garage” class that manages a collection of cars.

When Not to Use the “public” Modifier

You should not use the “public” modifier on items that you do not want to be accessible from outside of the class. This includes private data, such as passwords or credit card numbers.

For example, if you have a class called “Bank”, you would not want to make the “accountNumber” variable public. This is because you do not want other classes to be able to access this information.

Other Access Modifiers

In addition to the “public” modifier, there are two other access modifiers that you can use: “protected” and “private”. The “protected” modifier allows you to access items from within the same package, or from subclasses of the class. The “private” modifier allows you to access items only from within the class itself.

The following table summarizes the different access modifiers and their scope:

Access Modifier Scope
public Accessible from anywhere within the application
protected Accessible from within the same package, or from subclasses of the class
private Accessible only from within the class itself

Tips and Expert Advice

Here are some tips and expert advice on using access modifiers:

  • Use the “public” modifier sparingly. Only make items public if you absolutely need to.
  • Use the “protected” modifier for items that need to be accessed by subclasses.
  • Use the “private” modifier for items that should only be accessed by the class itself.
  • Be consistent with your use of access modifiers. This will make your code easier to read and maintain.

Explanation of Tips and Expert Advice

By following these tips, you can ensure that your code is secure and maintainable. Using access modifiers correctly can help you to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive data.

Here is a more detailed explanation of each tip:

Use the “public” modifier sparingly.

The “public” modifier should only be used on items that need to be accessed from outside of the class. This includes items that are used by other classes, or that are accessed by users of the application.

Use the “protected” modifier for items that need to be accessed by subclasses.

The “protected” modifier allows you to access items from within the same package, or from subclasses of the class. This is useful for items that need to be shared between different classes, but that should not be accessible from outside of the package.

Use the “private” modifier for items that should only be accessed by the class itself.

The “private” modifier allows you to access items only from within the class itself. This is useful for items that contain sensitive data, or that should not be modified by other classes.

Be consistent with your use of access modifiers.

Be consistent with your use of access modifiers throughout your code. This will make your code easier to read and maintain. For example, you might decide to always use the “public” modifier for public variables, the “protected” modifier for protected variables, and the “private” modifier for private variables.


Q: What is the difference between the “public”, “protected”, and “private” access modifiers?

A: The “public” access modifier allows you to access items from anywhere within the application. The “protected” access modifier allows you to access items from within the same package, or from subclasses of the class. The “private” access modifier allows you to access items only from within the class itself.

Q: When should I use the “public” access modifier?

A: You should use the “public” access modifier on items that you want to be accessible from outside of the class. This includes items that are used by other classes, or that are accessed by users of the application.

Q: When should I use the “protected” access modifier?

A: You should use the “protected” access modifier for items that need to be accessed by subclasses of the class. This is useful for items that need to be shared between different classes, but that should not be accessible from outside of the package.

Q: When should I use the “private” access modifier?

A: You should use the “private” access modifier for items that should only be accessed by the class itself. This is useful for items that contain sensitive data, or that should not be modified by other classes.


Access modifiers are an important part of Java programming. They allow you to control who can access your data and methods. By using access modifiers correctly, you can help to ensure that your code is secure and maintainable.

Are you interested in learning more about access modifiers? Leave a comment below and I’ll be happy to answer your questions.

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