Signs Your Ex Is Pretending to Be Over You (According to Reddit)

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Heartbreak is never easy, but it can be especially challenging when you’re not sure where your ex stands. If you’re wondering whether your ex is still pining for you, Redditors have some valuable insights to share. Here are 15 signs that suggest your ex may be faking the whole “over you” thing.

16 Signs Your Ex Is Pretending To Be Over You - The Attraction Game

Signs Your Ex Is Pretending To Be Over You Reddit

They Still Check in on You Casually

They Reach Out for “Reasons”

Be wary of random messages or calls where your ex claims to have “found something you might like” or “just wanted to check in.” These innocuous reasons may be their way of staying connected without seeming too obvious.

They’re Always “Bumping” into You

If your ex seems to be showing up in all the same places as you, it’s possible they’re intentionally trying to create “coincidences” to get your attention. Pay attention to the frequency and timing of these encounters.

They Talk About You to Mutual Friends

Redditors caution that if your ex is gossiping about you to mutual friends, it could be a sign of jealousy or lingering interest. They may be trying to gauge your reactions or spread rumors to make themselves look better.

They’re Active on Your Social Media

Constantly seeing your ex’s like, comments, or shares on your social media posts can be a clear indication that they’re not over you. It’s their way of staying connected and subtly reminding you of their presence.

They Show Signs of Jealousy

Keep an eye out for subtle signs of jealousy, such as your ex making negative comments about your new relationships or trying to compete for your attention. This behavior suggests that they’re still emotionally invested.

They Try to Stay Friends

While it’s possible to maintain a platonic friendship with an ex, Redditors advise caution when your ex insists on staying friends too soon. It’s important to be honest about your own feelings and set clear boundaries.

They Give You Mixed Signals

Confusing and contradictory behavior can be a sign that your ex is struggling with their emotions. They may act interested one minute and distant the next, leaving you feeling unsure of where you stand.

They’re Still Holding Onto Your Belongings

If your ex has yet to return your personal belongings, it could be a sign that they’re not fully ready to let go. Holding onto these items may be a way of keeping a tangible connection to you.

They Ask for Your Advice or Help

If your ex is frequently asking for your advice or help on trivial matters, it could be a sign that they’re still relying on you for support. This behavior can indicate that they’re not yet ready to move on.

They Make an Effort to Look Their Best When You’re Around

If your ex suddenly starts putting extra effort into their appearance or dressing up when they know they’ll see you, it’s possible they’re trying to impress you or make you jealous.

Expert Tips for Moving On

“It’s not easy to let go of someone you loved,” says Dr. Emily Gordon, a licensed clinical psychologist. “But there are steps you can take to move on and start the healing process.”

Dr. Gordon recommends focusing on self-care, practicing mindfulness techniques, and seeking support from friends, family, or a therapist. She also emphasizes the importance of setting boundaries and creating space for yourself to grow and heal.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: How do I know if my ex is over me?

A: Signs that your ex may be over you include lack of contact, respect for boundaries, no interest in your life, no displays of jealousy, and progress in their own life.

Q: Is it possible to stay friends with an ex?

A: While possible, maintaining a platonic friendship with an ex can be challenging. It’s important to set clear boundaries and ensure both parties are emotionally ready for it.


Navigating the aftermath of a breakup can be complex and confusing. If you’re wondering whether your ex is genuinely over you, consider the signs discussed in this article. Remember, healing takes time, and it’s important to prioritize your own well-being.

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Signs Your Ex Is Pretending To Be Over You Reddit

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